So with baby #2 on the way, I decided it was time to put up or shut up with a sewing project, or I may not do it for a long time. I still felt like my machine was a little bit foreign (every time I've had to thread my machine I have to pull out the manual), so I decided to take the intro to machine sewing class that they offer. The project for the class was a little wallet with a snap closure, and even had interfacing involved, so it seemed like a lot of good elements would be covered.
Michelle taught my class and she was so great! There were only four students in the class, which allowed her to give everyone the time that we needed individually. She didn't seem annoyed with anyone's beginner questions, and she went over some helpful information (I now know what basting is and how to find the grain of fabric). We threaded and rethreaded our own machines, wound a bobbin, and did some practice sewing before we even touched our project materials, which gave me more confidence when we got started on our wallets.
And seriously, look how cute it turned out! I was impressed that I even finished something, let alone something that I will actually use and be proud to show people. I bought the fabric, interfacing, and snap closure at the store, and got my thread at Joann's.
The only bad thing was that I didn't end up using my machine for the class. Something is wrong with it that I'm hoping can be fixed, because it's only two years old and has been used a half dozen times or so on little projects. Michelle messed around with some tension settings and suggest I take it back to where I bought it, also saying she hasn't seen many people have good luck with the lower end Singer machines. So I'm super bummed about that, but hopefully the Singer store I where I bought it will be good about taking a look at it. I'm hopeful that it's something that can be easily fixed, and fast, because now I want to take on more projects!
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