Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time Flies

Wow, no post since March? I'd like to say I've been busy, but I'm not sure that I can make that excuse. Well, an almost one year old will keep a girl busy, for sure. I can say very excitedly that I'm 16 weeks pregnant, so I think I will say that the baby has been eating up my motivation. But I'm well into the second trimester now, the baby is doing great, and energy and nausea levels have returned to normal on most days. 

So, what else has been going on?

CSA Experiment - We had our first CSA pick up this week, which I was very excited about. I know it is early, so I wasn't expecting much. We got some turnips, green onions, and some green leaf lettuce. So far we have had a salad with the lettuce and green onions, and they were tasty. I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with the turnips yet. Don't people eat turnip greens too? Hm, need to do some Googling.

Camping Experiment - We did some early camping with Addy last month. Overall it went well, but it did rain all night, which was very loud on the roof of the pop-up camper (otherwise known as Poppy) and kept us awake alot. It also got pretty chilly, so it was a good lesson in learning the best way to keep the whole camper warm. We ended up abandoning the electric heater and using the propane heat instead - after we did that, we were all very toasty. But I think Addy had a good time, and she slept very well, so we were glad to have this experiment under our belt before summer or any potentially longer trips.

Our Camping Baby

Crazy Weather - Back in March and early April we did get some crazy weather, including some big hail. I really thought the skylight in the kitchen was going to come crashing down, but that thing is obviously built to withhold some pounding. Check out some pics that Matt took of the ice.

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